Purchase of shares by a managing person and a person closely related to the managing person



Current report no.



The Management Board of TIM SA, with its seat in Wrocław, operating in compliance with art. 70 point 3 of the Act dated 29 July 2005 on public offer and terms of introduction of financial instruments to organized trading, and on public companies would like to present the list of shareholders who held more than 5% of voting rights at the Ordinary General Meeting of TIM S.A. that took place on 21 June 2016.

1.Krzysztof Folta: 4,250,000 shares/votes (35.29 % of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting; 19.14 % share in the total number of votes); at the Ordinary General Meeting of TIM SA, Ewa and Krzysztof Folta held together: 4,510,000 shares/votes (37.45 % of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting; 20.31 % share in the total number of votes).
2. Funds represented by Altus Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych, i.e.:
a. Altus ASZ FIZ Subfundusz ASZ Rynków Zagranicznych – 465,255 shares/votes
b. Altus ASZ FIZ Subfundusz Rynku Polskiego – 381,097 shares/votes
c. Raiffeisen SFIO Raiffeisen Aktywnego Inwestowania – 404,574 shares/votes
d. Altus FIZ Aktywnej Alokacji Spółek Dywidendowych – 309,476 shares/votes
e. Altus Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu FIZ Rynku Polskiego 2 – 278,651 shares/votes
f. Altus FIZ Akcji+ – 238,729 shares/votes
g. Altus Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu FIZ Rynków Zagranicznych 2 – 238,613 shares/votes
h. Altus FIO Parasolowy Altus Subfundusz Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu Rynku Polskiego – 123,775 shares/votes
i. Altus FIZ Aktywny Akcji – 101,014 shares/votes
j. Altus Alternative Investments FIZ Altus Subfundusz Private Equity – 82,850 shares/votes
k. Altus FIZ Global 2 – 30,000 shares/votes
l. Altus FIO Parasolowy Altus Subfundusz Akcji – 22,451 shares/votes
m. Altus FIO Parasolowy Altus Subfundusz Optymalnego Wzrostu – 20,000 shares/votes
n. Altus FIO Parasolowy ASZ Zwrotu Nowej Europy – 15,000 shares/votes
o. Altus FIZ Akcji Globalnych – 15,000 shares/votes
p. Altus FIO Parasolowy Subfundusz Stabilnego Wzrostu – 10,000 shares/votes
q. Altus FIO Parasolowy Altus Subfundusz Aktywnego Zarządzania – 5,000 shares/votes
Total of 2,741,485 shares/votes (22.76 % of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting; 12.35 % share in the total number of votes).
3. AVIVA OTWARTY FUNDUSZ EMERYTALNY AVIVA BZ WBK: 2,067,000 shares/votes (17.16 % of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting; 9.31 % share in the total number of votes).
4. Kazimierz Stogniew: 747,004 shares/votes (6.20 % of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting; 3.37 % share in the total number of votes).
5. The Government of Norway: 662,584 shares/votes (5.50 % of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting; 2.98 % share in the total number of votes).
6. Ewa Folta-Stogniew: 618,024 shares/votes (5.13 % of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting; 2.78 % share in the total number of votes).
According to the attendance list, the Ordinary General Meeting of TIM SA was attended by shareholders who held 12,042,641 shares that entitled to 12,042,641 votes, which constituted 54.24 % share in the share capital of TIM S.A. that amounts PLN 22,199,200.00. One share of TIM SA entitles to one vote at the Ordinary General Meeting of TIM SA.


2016-06-30, Artur Piekarczyk – Member of the Board
2016-06-30, Anna Slobodzian-Pula – Member of the Board
