Approval of the prospectus of 3LP S.A. by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority



Current report no.



TIM S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław _hereinafter: “TIM S.A.” or “Issuer”_ with reference to current report No. 29/2021 of 2 November 2021 on the submission by the Issuer’s subsidiary, i.e. 3LP S.A. with its registered office in Siechnice_, hereinafter referred to as: “3LP S.A.” or “Company”_ of the application for approval of the prospectus by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority _hereinafter “KNF” announces that on 25 April 2022 the KNF approved the prospectus of 3LP S.A. drawn up in connection with:a_ the public offering of not more than 15,900,000 newly issued ordinary shares of series E of 3LP S.A., with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each, and
b_ the application by 3LP S.A. for admission and introduction to trading on the basic_regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange :
i_ 100,000 existing ordinary shares of series A of 3LP S.A. with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each,
ii_35,000,000 existing ordinary shares of series B of 3LP S.A. with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each,
iii_ 24,000,000 existing ordinary shares of series C of 3LP S.A. with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each,
iv_ not more than 15,900,000 newly issued ordinary shares of series E of 3LP S.A. with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each, and
v_ not more than 15,900,000 rights to shares of series E of 3LP S.A.

The Issuer informed about the commencement of preparatory works for the initial public offering _ IPO_ of the shares of 3LP S.A. in current report No. 21/2021 of 17 June 2021.

According to the statement of the Management Board of 3LP S.A., the Company will continue its activities aimed at conducting the initial public offering of the shares of 3LP S.A. and admitting the Company’s shares to trading on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

2022-04-26, Krzysztof Folta – President of the Board
2022-04-26, Piotr Tokarczuk – Member of the Board