Receipt of a response from Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. (Warsaw Stock Exchange) on the request for the delisting of shares from the regulated market

Date of preparation


Current report no.


The Management Board of TIM S.A. based in Wrocław, hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or the “Issuer”, announces with reference to Current Report No. 14/2024 of 8 March 2024 that, on 28 March 2024, the Company’s proxy received a response from Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. (Warsaw Stock Exchange, hereinafter referred to as “WSE”) regarding the request for the delisting of the Company’s shares from the regulated market. The letter indicates that the WSE refused to adopt a resolution to delist the shares pursuant to § 31(2)(1) in conjunction with §3(2)(2) of the Exchange Rules.
Due to the refusal of the WSE, the shares will not be delisted before the completion of the delisting procedure initiated by Resolution No. 4/08.03.2024 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of TIM Spółka Akcyjna based in Wrocław of 8 March 2024 on the delisting of the Company’s shares from the regulated market and the authorisation for the Company’s Management Board to undertake actions to delist the Company’s shares admitted to trading on the regulated market, communicated by the Issuer in its Current Report of 8 March 2024. No. 11/2024, and a request to the Financial Supervision Authority (hereinafter referred to as the “FSA”) for consent to delist its shares from the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, communicated by the Company in Current Report No. 13/2024 of 8 March 2024.
As soon as the FSC gives its consent, the Issuer will perform all actions to delist its shares based on the FSA’s consent, which includes submitting the decision on the FSA’s consent to the WSE.


2024-03-28, Krzysztof Folta – President of the Management Board
2024-03-28, Piotr Tokarczuk – Member of the Management Board