Record-breaking edition of TIM’s Christmas charity event

As part of the 3rd edition of the TIM Santas initiative, a total of PLN 391,000 was distributed to 17 beneficiaries from all over Poland. The campaign involved 48 manufacturers of articles from the offer and 11,045 Internet users.

TIM Santas 2022 is the third instalment of TIM S.A.’s charity Christmas campaign, initiated in 2020. It was prompted by the then prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, which made it even more apparent how many people and institutions are in need. As a result, the Management Board of TIM opted out of buying Christmas gifts and book calendars for customers, instead offering support to local organisations. After two years since the first edition of TIM Santas and despite the change in the pandemic situation in Poland, the company continues to support local communities.

The idea behind the campaign

The main idea behind TIM Santas is to actively involve the company’s business partners and customers in the initiative. The former support the campaign every year by increasing its budget from their own funds. Customers, on the other hand, have the privilege of selecting beneficiaries by choosing them in an anonymous online survey. In each of the 17 regions where TIM S.A. has sales offices, they choose one institution from three proposed by TIM employees.

Records in three areas

TIM Santas 2022 was supported by as many as 48 manufacturers of articles available on, an increase of almost one third compared to the previous edition. This increased the total budget of the campaign to PLN 391,000, with each beneficiary receiving a donation of PLN 23,000. The initiative also received great recognition from customers and Internet users – 11,045 users took part in the survey, an increase of as much as 514% compared to 2021.

– The huge interest in the TIM Santas campaign only confirms our belief that its purpose is right and important, says President Krzysztof Folta, President of the Management Board of TIM S.A. – I am glad that we not only help, but also get others on board. This is what it is all about, sharing goodness – he adds.

The TIM Santas campaign is one of the many social initiatives of TIM S.A., implemented as part of the company’s responsible business strategy – TIM pro. The idea pursued by the Company is to support local communities in pro-health, eco-friendly, educational, aid, and cultural areas.

TIM Santas 2022 partners

The partners of TIM Santas 2022 are: Baks, B.E.G., Bemko, Bitner, Breve, BBC Cellpack, Cynk Mal, Damir, Doktorvolt, Eaton, Elektrokabel, Elektromet, Elit, Elko-Bis, Eltrim, EM Group, Ensto, Ergom, Erko, ETI Polam, F&F, Finder, Harting, Jakohurt, Kanlux, Keno, Kontakt Simon, Kopos, Ledvance, Legrand, Lena Lightning, Lider-Hurt, Marmat, NKT, OBO Bettermann, Orno, Ospel, PCE, Phoenix Contact, Rawlplug, Relpol, Schneider Electric, Siemens, TF Kable, Grupa Topex, TT Plast, V-TAC, and Wiha.

Beneficiaries of TIM Santas 2022

Below is a list of all the institutions that received the highest number of votes in each region, thus becoming beneficiaries of the campaign.


TIM S.A. Trade Office Institution

Stowarzyszenie ZESPOLAKI

Dom Dziecka im. Janusza Korczaka w Kłobucku

Hospicjum im. Ks. Eugeniusza Dutkiewicza SAC w Gdańsku

Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Młodzieży „Dom Aniołów Stróżów”

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Osób Z Niepełnosprawnością Intelektualną Koło w Lesznie

Bractwo Miłosierdzia im. św. Brata Alberta

Dom Dziecka dla Małych Dzieci w Łodzi

Fundacja Domowe Hospicjum dla Dzieci w Opolu

Placówka Opiekuńczo – Wychowawcza “Nasz Dom”

OREW dla Dzieci i Młodzieży z Autyzmem

Zwierzęcy Telefon Zaufania

Schronisko dla bezdomnych zwierząt w Toruniu

Zakład Poprawczy i Schronisko dla Nieletnich w Świdnicy

Fundacja Dziecięca Fantazja
Wydział Obsługi Klienta

Dom dziecka w Kórniku-Bninie

Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom POCIECHA
Zielona Góra

OTOZ Animals Schronisko Dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt