Shareholder’s notification of acquisition of shares of TIM S.A



Current report no.



TIM S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław _ hereinafter  „TIM SA” or “Company”_ acting pursuant to Art.  70, point 1 of the Act on public offering and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organize the trading system and public companies, announces to the public that on 25 November 2019 the Company was notified by Norges Bank with its registered office in Oslo, Norway_ hereinafter: “Norges Bank”_ of the disposal by the abovementioned entity on 20 November 2019 of the shares of TIM SA.  At the same time, TIM SA notifies that, in accordance with the statement received from Norges Bank, referred to above, after the conclusion of the abovementioned transaction Norges Bank was holding 1,095,642 shares of TIM SA, which represents a share of 4.94% in the Company’s share capital.  The above mentioned shares carry 1,095,642 votes at the general meeting of the Company, which represents the share of 4.94 % in the overall number of votes at the general meeting of TIM SA. Prior to the shares disposal transaction, referred to above, Norges Bank was holding shares representing 5.02% in the Company’s share capital and in the overall number of votes at the general meeting of the Company.


2019-11-25, Piotr Nosal – Member of the Management Board
2019-11-25, Piotr Tokarczuk – Member of the Management Board