The sixth year of TIM’s presence in the Responsible Business Forum report

Employee volunteering, grant scheme, sports and charity activities, TIM Santa Claus Christmas aid campaign and an employee satisfaction survey highlighted in the “Responsible Business in Poland 2023. Good Practices” report, which had its premiere on 16 April 2024 during the ESG Idea Fair.

The report traditionally classifies good practices into 7 areas, in line with ISO 26000, which defines and provides guidelines for social responsibility. As in the previous edition, this year too, the largest number (418) of activities referred to in the publication concern community engagement, labour practices (249) and the environment (210). Presented below, the practices reported by TIM concern the first two areas.

“Still, our responsibility does not end with people. We are also sensitive to climate and environmental challenges,” notes Krzysztof Folta,” President of the Management Board of TIM SA. “All this is reflected in the first ever ESG strategy of the entire TIM Group, adopted in 2023. It ‘manages’ areas that are of key importance from our point of view: customer satisfaction, employee engagement, corporate reputation and our environmental impact. All of these issues are prioritised, and we have developed measurable targets for each priority up to 2026,” adds Krzysztof Folta.

Report statistics and changes

The Responsible Business Forum, Poland’s largest and longest-running organisation working to address ESG and sustainable development in a comprehensive manner, has published a report entitled “Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices” since 2022. This year’s 22nd edition, as usual, sums up the efforts made by companies in the previous year. The report also includes a review of major events and publications.

This year, in the face of a very rapidly growing number of submissions, the Responsible Business Forum has decided to reduce the limit of practices submitted by one company to 5 (from 10). As a result, 1,046 good practices implemented by 266 organisations made it into the report. The vast majority (75%) of entities reporting good practices are large companies. Medium-sized companies make up 16%, while small and micro companies account for 7% and 2% of the companies represented respectively.

This year’s report came with a new option: the possibility to attribute a good practice to individual European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), introduced in accordance with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Starting with sustainability reporting for 2024, these standards will become mandatory for ever new groups of EU companies in subsequent years. Among the practices published in this year’s report, ESRS S1 – Own workforce (207 good practices) represents the largest group, followed by ESRS S3 – Affected communities (163) and ESRS E1 – Climate Change (84).

This year’s edition of the “Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices” report is the sixth in a row to include activities implemented by TIM. The company has been included in the FOB publication continuously since the 2018 report in spring 2019.

You can download the 2023 report from the FOB website >>

The previous editions are availablehere >>

TIM’s good practices on local community engagement and development

TIM Multisport Integration and Active TIM for Friends

The “Active TIM for Friends” charitable campaign involves accumulating kilometres using a mobile app. The sixth edition in 2023 took place from 1 July to 17 September. For the second time, staff from not only TIM but also the company’s suppliers took part.

107,889 km were accumulated during the campaign, which, with the relevant conversion rates (depending on the type of activity), amounted to PLN 35,522. The money was transferred to foundations in the form of donations of PLN 5,075 each. One was identified by the best of the supplier teams. Another one was selected by all TIM staff from among a number of organisations nominated by the competition winners. The rest provides support to the children of the company’s employees and to one of the company’s employees, all requiring long-term rehabilitation.

In 2019, TIM expanded “Active TIM for Friends” to include the almost year-round “TIM – Team Multisport Integration” competition, designed to encourage staff to engage in regular physical activity.

Grant scheme

Twice a year, TIM announces the opportunity for its staff to report initiatives or ideas in support of local communities. Initiatives can be in the field of education, schooling, health, environment, culture and aid.

In each programme edition, grants of between PLN 1,000 and PLN 6,000 are awarded. The decision to award a grant is made by all staff through a vote on the intranet. In 2023, the total value of grants awarded amounted to PLN 74,500.

In the nine editions of the scheme to date, grants have been awarded to 55 beneficiaries. They have financed or co-financed cancer prevention and support for women suffering from breast cancer, activities for people experiencing domestic violence and mental health crisis, sports equipment for students with intellectual disabilities and more.

TIM Santa Claus 2023

Last year, for the fourth time, TIM decided to donate funds to social support instead of purchasing Christmas gifts for customers. The funds raised plus those from manufacturers offering their products at were donated to local foundations and organisations. The choice of the beneficiaries was left to our customers, who had the opportunity to vote for one of the three institutions selected by the staff of individual TIM sales offices. The beneficiaries included hospices, associations and foundations supporting sick children and adults as well as animal shelters.

TIM Santa Claus 2023 went down in history as a record-breaker. The number of partners involved was up 40% year-on-year, reaching an impressive number of 67. Their support brought the campaign’s budget to PLN 399,750, which also marked a new record. As a result, 18 beneficiaries received donations of PLN 20,500 each and three more received support of PLN 10,250. The initiative has won approval not only from our business partners, but also from our customers, as evidenced by the record number of votes in the survey: 28,489 (up 157% year-on-year).

TIM’s good working practices

Employee volunteering

From half 2019 onwards, TIM employees can submit suggestions for volunteering activities to be supported by the company in organisational and/on financial terms. Starting from Q4 2023, they may choose as an alternative to pursue volunteering work during their working hours (they have 8 hours at their disposal, but they need to arrange the rest of the necessary resources on their own). The beneficiaries of volunteering may be Public Benefit Organisations, public institutions (schools, kindergartens, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) and any other individuals and organisations in need of support. We give priority to local communities conducting educational/schooling, health-oriented, environmental, cultural, and aid activities.

In 2023, 10 of the 10 applications submitted were approved, with half of them for Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift). In addition, a book collection was organised among TIM staff in cooperation with the Foundation. The books wen to two Zaczytana Biblioteka libraries, which TIM is due to keep for at least 2 more years.

Employee engagement and satisfaction survey

In 2023, TIM conducted an employee engagement and satisfaction survey for the third time. To make it as objective and anonymous as possible, the company engaged an external company to run the survey. The questionnaire comprised a series of close-ended and open-ended questions to explore sentiment on a number of levels. The questions concerned areas such as My Work, My Company, Culture and Values, Management, Future and Company Change. The survey was intended primarily to identify changes in the organisation since the last diagnosis (in 2021) and to define areas for development.

The survey has revealed that the factors that make TIM stand out in a positive way are work atmosphere; stability and job security; focus on development and innovation; flexibility and remote working opportunities; good communication and management commitment. The survey has also made it possible to identify points of concern requiring further action. The survey results are extremely helpful in shaping the company’s HR strategy.
